(The Mommy learned a new trick...hover da mousie over da pics!)
Give up? I'm wondering if I can jump down from the top of the kitchen cabinets directly on to The Mommy's head!
Okay, here's another one.
Did ya get it? Huh huh didja didja? Well, I'm pondering whether my laser beams will heat up in time to fry the flashy box thingy before she can take another picture of me!
How ya doin' with this one, any guesses? Okay, here I'm thinking that if I give her The Glare long enough she'll stop what she's doing and give me some skritches. Maybe it will work!
Just a couple more pictures for you to try your guesses on!
Ohhhh, now this one should be easy. Ya got it? Yes! I'm thinking I should try The Glare more often, 'cuz it worked! I'm getting skritches!! And I'm also pondering how much I luuuvvvv skritches.
All righty, here's the last one. Are y'all ready?
This one's good, I'm dreaming that I can stay right here furever, sleeping in The Mommy's lap. I love being here.

I hope you've had fun playing my game! Bye peoples!

That was fun, Pixie! So tell us, did you jump down on your mom's head???
Fun game, Pixie! We didn't get any right but we were close!
We only got the first one and the last one, but we love all the photos! The last one is the best, though.
WOWSIE....Your Mommy did a great job! Our Mommy can't do that with pictures! We loved the game and the pictures!
What a fun game! That was a pawsome trick your mom learned!
I tried and tried my hardest, but so far I am No Good at mind reading.
Hi Pixie! That was a fun game and we gotted the last one right!
Its FUN FUN FUN today,
we love fun :)
All shots are great,
specially you're Mommy's LAP
(so cute name for us LAP means in Dutch its total different... LOL)
Have fun all with your games :)
Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :)
Those were good pictures. We hovered on the pictures but did not get any thing. We are not good at mind reading either.
That was very fun!
Our hoverer must be broked. We didn't see anything. We also are No Good at mind reading, Pixie. Rats.
The hoverer didn't work for us either but we had fun guessing your ponderings.
Pixie, we believe that you must be one of the smartest cats ever!
You look like you're ruling your kingdom from up above!
That was fun!! You didn't jump on your mama's head though did you?
Mom Comment:: How did you the picture thing? I've been to shy to ask.
Great Game Pixie! I guessed the scratchie one....
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