First off, The Mommy says thanks to everyone that gave food advice on the Friday Food Fest post. Some good info, very much appreciated!
Next, following up on a post from a few days ago about the death of the previous loud noisy vacuum monster, we're sad to report that a new one has arrived. We've come up with a good plan though...if we continually lay on the box, The Mommy can never unpack it to assemble and use it! Aren't we brilliant?! Okay, Callie and Sassy, you go first!
Now Bugsy, you take Callie's place!
It almost seems too easy...
A couple of days ago, Bugsy showed off his blue laser eyes, something not often seen but which he was inspired to do after seeing Milo's blue lasers when he was playing ornament cat. Now, we have something that we think might be even rarer, or at least something we've not seen so far out there in bloggie land -- gold laser eyes! Yes indeed, Miss Roxy is pleased to present her gold laser eyes just for you kind kitties and peoples!
Also, Pixie had a grand ol' time playing "hunt the spider" on Monday evening, tracking it across the kitchen floor, into the dining room and across the living room -- accompanied at various times by Bugsy and Roxy -- before finally losing it. Or losing interest, we're not sure which. If you bigify and look close, you can see the spider just a few inches from his paw.
Finally, if you're still with us, our friend Jasmim gave us the "Your Blog is Satin" award this past week. Thanks, Jas!
We're going to change the rules for this one just a little bit from what she listed though, as it included giving to 10 people (we're cutting it to 5, feel free to do more if you want) and also required a raffle/donation to someone needing help for kitty care in...Portugal?...not sure of the country, and that's difficult to do as a bank transfer from the U.S. and we're really not comfortable requiring anyone to pay anything for the award. We hope Jas understands, and that those folks get the help they need. So, with that, we're going with these rules:
1. List 5 details (things, people, features) that make your life "satin" (we'll translate this also as "shiny" or "good").
2. Pass on to 5 other bloggers that have not already won.
Our list is this (one for each of us!):
1. Bugsy says: Going outside!
2. Sassy says: Laying in a sunbeam.
3. Callie says: Napping on a hairy blanket.
4. Roxy says: Snoopervising The Mommy while she gets ready for that "work" thing in the mornings.
5. Pixie says: Being picked up and held like a baby by The Mommy while she gives me skritches (I'm the only one who likes to be held like that!).
We'll pass it on to these bloggers, none of whom appear to have gotten this yet (at the time the post was written anyway):
1. Samson and Delilah at The Monkeys
2. Tristan and Crikey
3. Ernie, Wally and Zoey at The Island Cats
4. PoppyQ
5. Huffle Mawson
So there ya have it, a little smorgasbord of things to round out the week...from all of us here at The Kitty Krew.

We fink you should make a schedule so that vacuum cleaner is never left unattended. You can never be sure when da 'bean is gonna open that box!
Congratulations on your award and thanks for passing it on to us!
Mommy wants to know if your vacuum works well (if your Mom ever opens the box) because she said that ours doesn't...even though it is specifically for pet fur! Don't tell her, okay?
Concats on your award.
That is good thinking with the sucky masheen. We hope your plan works.
excellent box plan!
Congratulations on your award! We received an award (lili) from Jasmin and passing it to you.
Have a good Sunday!
You had a weekend with many new facts =)
This Award was Theofila who made this rule with the help his cat castration (Ayla), she is going through a difficult situation because one of his cats was poisoned and died, unfortunately =(
I understand that it is difficult to make bank transfers to Brazil, but I'm happy that you have posted ^^
PS: If you want to visit your blog, this is the link:
If you have any problems with the Portuguese can speak with us or her!
I will have to remember that trick about the vacuum box.I think I have one in my future.
I like that idea and if you want some help you just yell, I will be over in two shakes..
Congrats on the award..
Hugs GJ xx
We think you got an excellent plan there to stop the sucking monster from ever being used! We know your plan will work!!!
Congrats on your award! And thanks for passing it on to us! We're not sure about donating to the kitty in Portugal...we sure hope he/she is we'll play by your rules!
Hope you all are having a great Sunday!
I'm with you on the vaccum cleaner. We figure if we just look at the one Tommy has she won't use it--but she doesn't use it much anyway! Love ALL the pictures!!
Thought it might rain here-however the sun is coming back out...tsk.
A little bit of this, and a little bit of that! Thanks for the nifty award! We'll post it sometime this week, furriend:)
That red box looks pawsome, just watch out for what is inside!
We have given you an award which you can collect from our blog.
Good advice about the vacuum cleaner. Better if you get rid of the carpet and replace it with floorboards. This way the vacuum could be replaced by a quiet sweeper.
Pretty gold lasers! Congratulations on the award.
Great teamwork there! Tasha says she hopes your mom never opens that box. She also thinks Roxy's laser eyes are beautiful! (We'll have to look and see if we have any colors in ours).
And congratulations on the award!
I wish I'd stayed on the box of the evil Dyson!
MOL hehehe dat sounds likes a pawsome plan! No one likes da big noise monster!
I luvs da laser eyes and I luvs to hunts spiders too!
Concats on your award!
WOW! There was a lot in that post. We loved the GOLD laser eyes and I'm practissing straight away ~ I'll let yoo know when I've perfected them!
Milo xxx
I loved the hunt the spider pics ~ I hunt spiders all da time! And Dinosaurs!!
Alfie xxx
Oh wow, thanks for sharing this award with me! You kitties are too kind!
Huffle Mawson
1. Congrats on your award. We got one too :o)
2. VACUUMS! We HATE them too. You guys have a great plan. Working is shifts, love it. Yer mom will NEVER be able to get that box open now.
3. Gold Laser EYES! AWESOME! Very sci-fi.
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