We may not sleep close together very often, but there are times when there are several of us in one general location. Last night, the girls all happened to be on the couch. (That's Sassy on top, Roxy to the left in front, Callie in the middle.)
Callie currently has place of honor on our brand new Hairy Blanket; astute bloggie readers may have noticed something similar at Peggy's Place just mere days ago. We mentioned how much we liked it and wanted one (meaning, something like it some day), and da kitties' mom, Peggy, contacted The Mommy and offered that very same one to her for a donation to the needy kitties of the Cat Blogosphere, which she did, and we received it yesterday! It's a gorgeous and soft blankie of pink, blue, purple and white coloring (looks more blue when the flash gets used, so future pics may look different). Peggy is also making us another one of darker coloring, so we don't have to share quite so much.

We'll probably all use it at some point, right now it's on a spot on the couch where we all nap sooner or later.
Very cool blankie, thanks, Peggy and kitties!

We love your noo blankie. You all look so cosy and comfy that we think we need a nap .... Zzzzzzz ...
We love that picture! And we also love that hairy blanket - we want one now! Callie looks beautiful on it.
That's a great picture!
We really like the Hairy blanket, too! Does she sell them?
That is a very pretty blanket! It looks super soft. We like to see you three girls napping close together.
Oh....what an adorable picture!!! MOMMY....WE WANT A HAIRY BLANKET PLEASE!!!!!
Where can we get one???
love, uSSSSS
Your new blanket is beautiful and look so comfy and cozy! We love blankies too!
What most cute picture!
They are all adorable =)
Jas & Gi
Your blanket is lovely. We are glad you will be get another one. Sharing is hard.
What a cute picture of your kitties on that beautiful blanket! I bet Roxy loves it too...if all the other kitties would not have hogged it all! :D Or maybe she just wanted to be included in the photo! LOL!
Too cute!
Linda :)
Three's a charm!
We hardly ever all sleep near one another. We are usually pretty spread out!
Great blankie!
Oh, we have one of those gorgeous and soft blankies. But it's so hot and humid here now, Jan put it up until fall. Then we'll really need it!
Thanks for sharing your kitties using your Hairy Blankies. Isis is my blankie tester, she's the only one that sleeps on the back of the couch where I pile them up!
That is a cool blankie!!!
If we had a hairy blanket we might all sleep together too....
Hello the Kitty Krew,
How's Bugsy? I hope Bugsy is well.
We love the new blankie too, it looks so cozy. All the kitties seem so comfortable.
Big hugs,
I think the triple shot is very cute! And the blankie looks comfy.
I love your new blanket! It looks so cozy!
Rexy has his very own special lovey blanket that he kneads while holding part in his mouth. He started doing that when he stopped taking the bottle. Your Pixie kitty looks so much like Rexy. Shiney black coat. I don't know if I should show your blog to Rexy. He still thinks that we are the only ones who have a blog. He's got this thing about 'Special' and being the only one. We'll see. Love your beautiful cat family.
I must take more pictures of mine.
Rexy's Mom
Pretty blankie - so nice to see you all sleeping together too - sort of.
That looks like a great blankie!
Huffle Mawson
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