To get on top of this cabinet, he has to go in the shower, jump up on the built-in seat, jump up and balance on the far end of the top frame of this glass shower door shown here, walk on the itty bitty thin frame over to the other end of the double door, and then jump up on top of the cabinet.
Pixie likes to do this, too, so he was kind enough to show how it's done while the flashy box thing was in use. He also was kind enough to stick his tongue out at Bugsy (you may need to bigify the picture to see that).
This usually only happens when The Mommy is getting ready for the "work" thing in the mornings, and the way the bathroom is set-up, her back is to the shower door and it's not reflected in her mirror. So the first she knows of it is with the loud rattling of the door in its frame when the leap from seat to door occurs. Always makes her jump, which is good for bonus points!

Bonus points are good!!! That looks like a fun litter box your Mom has!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
That looks fun. WE don't have a way up like you do!
You're both acrobats! How cute!
Deli says she would love your help at Tasha's place (although she thinks Tasha is tough enough to handle it all by herself!). She's been meaning to get a gang of torties together for just this type of incident. She'll alert Isabella too!
P.S Thank you for the well wishes for my migraine. I think it is starting to leave!
WOW--that's alot of work to get to a balcony seat! :) But we do things BIG in Texas!
King says that looks LOTSA fun!!! He's ALWAYS trying to get on top of the doors. And, we really giggled at the "tongue" shot. MOL!
You guys are so lucky, I cannot go on top of cabinets like you! The view must be great!!!!
Have to talk to Nanny....
We fink Bugsy shud get bonus points for doing laser eyes too! They are very impressive and ensure that no evil introoders come into the barf room.
Wow! You are very skillful =)
We am impressed! We are not sure we could do that.
P.S. Laughing at the Monkeys comments about the tortie gang! Our mom says she doesn't know if she could deal with FOUR TORTIES, but Tasha says y'all are welcome any time!
The top of the shower door looks like a very advanced jumping move!
Oh that looks like fun. I'll be right over.
Haha! That's quite an acrobatic feat you two pull off!!
That looks a very fun place to get on.
Very resourceful kitties!!!
I am very impressed!
Bugsy and Pixie are regular acroCATs!!! Yes, if there's a way up, a kitty will find it. My Dylan is very acrocatic as well.
Oh wow, that looks like lots of fun walking on the itty bitty rail of the shower!
Hahahahaha!!! That is a great way to score bonus points!! Do you notice Moms are easy to scare? hahahahahha
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
:) that looks fun!
ps, we will do the meme this weekend :) thanks for thinking of us!
that is so awesome, unlike a dog, a cat can always go where he pleases!
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